Medical Cannabis

It is our mission to provide the highest possible quality compounded medicine


We now have a dedicated website to our Medical Cannabis Compounding Dispensary! Take a look at our website here

Cannabis is a plant species that includes the main varieties Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Ruderalis. Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the most well known components, and the most widely studied for potential benefits in many human medical ailments. There are also hundreds of other active phytochemicals including terpenes, flavonoids and minor cannabinoids which also have their own effects both individually and together.

The evidence base for the therapeutic uses of cannabis is still in the infancy stage, with many trials ongoing. There is growing interest, however, for its use in such conditions as anxiety, chronic pain, migraine, insomnia, chemotherapy induced nausea and fibromyalgia.

CBD is a not a psychoactive component of the cannabis plant and hence on its own is classified as an S4 or prescription only product in Australia and can be prescribed by any registered medical practitioner, once thorough assessment has been carried out.

THC has psychoactive properties and is therefore classed as an S8 and requires approval from the state health departments before prescribing. No medicinal cannabis products of any type are subsidised through the PBS scheme in Australia. Driving is not permitted when being treated with or influenced by THC.

When a medical practitioner has established the need for medicinal cannabis for a patient, there are a number of alternatives for that patient to access pharmaceutical grade medicinal cannabis. There are some differences in rules from state to state relating to cannabis prescribing.

There are many forms in which medical cannabis can be prescribed, from flower buds, liven resin, live rosin and pure isolates for inhalations, vape carts and oral preparations. There are a growing number of commercial preparations available, accessed by authorised prescribers via the Special Access Scheme.

Australian law also allows for legally prescribed cannabis medicinal products to be compounded (made for a specific patient) and dispensed by approved compounding pharmacies.

Medical cannabis can be compounded from pure isolates, live rosin and live resin, individual terpenes and flower buds, sourced from licensed Australian growers, as oral oils, gummies, capsules and vape carts.

Medical cannabis, like any pharmaceutical active, must go through rigorous processes to ensure it is of consistent quality, free from pesticides and heavy metal contamination.

Although plant derived, medicinal cannabis is not without side effects and can interact with a significant number of other medicines. Close medical supervision is important and your doctor and compounding pharmacist can help you achieve optimal treatment outcomes.

Get in contact with us

If you would like to know more about our medical cannabis compounding service, visit our dedicated website, or contact us directly.

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