COVID 19 Vaccination Rollout

Protect yourself against the flu - Flu Vaccination now available at ATARA Compounding

Covid 19 Vaccination Rollout

ATARA Pharmacy are happy to provide AstraZeneca Only COVID-19 immunisation for our local area and wider community. COVID-19 vaccines help to protect our community against coronavirus by preventing serious illness and death from COVID-19. The vaccines are free for everyone in Australia.

Vaccine Rollout

COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out to people in phases.

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends the COVID-19 Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine as the preferred vaccine for those aged 16 to 59 years, but the AstraZeneca vaccine can be provided to people aged 18 to 59 years of age. If you are aged 40 years or more you are eligible for vaccination.

To get vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine, you will need to make an informed decision by speaking with your vaccine provider. Some conditions may mean it is not suitable for you and it is important that you discuss this with your healthcare provider.

If you match one or more of the following criteria you are eligible to book for your COVID-19 vaccination:

When it is your turn to get vaccinated, you can book by clicking the button below to get your first and second doses of the vaccine at our pharmacy

Preparing for Your Vaccination

COVID-19 vaccinations are voluntary and free.
Before your vaccination appointment, you should make sure your details are up to date with Medicare.

If you don’t have your account set up, you can:



Enrol in Medicare, if you’re not already enrolled


Account Setup

Set up your Medicare online account if you’re enrolled in Medicare, but don’t have Medicare linked to myGov


Individual Health Identifier

Get an Individual Health Identifier (IHI), if you’re not eligible for Medicare

You can also read this patient factsheet developed by the Australian Government Department of Health:

If you don’t have a Medicare card, or are not eligible for Medicare, you can get your free vaccination at a Commonwealth Vaccination Clinic or a state or territory vaccination clinic. More information is available on the Department of Health website here.

Please do not come to your vaccination appointment:

If you have had another vaccine in the 7 days before your COVID-19 vaccine appointment, please let your local pharmacy know as we may need to reschedule your appointment.

If you cannot make it to your vaccination appointment, please contact your local Chemist as soon as possible to arrange a new appointment.

You may have other questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please see our frequently asked questions page HERE

What should I do whilst I wait for my COVID-19 vaccine?

Whether you are vaccinated or not, there are things you can do to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. You must:

FAQ – Covid 19 Questions

All vaccines approved for use in Australia undergo robust scientific testing and analysis by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). There are rigorous regulations to ensure all vaccines are effective and safe. The most up to date information can be found here

The COVID-19 vaccine will be voluntary and free. As more safe and effective vaccines become available the Government will vaccinate as many Australians as possible for COVID-19.

The vaccination roll out strategy is to vaccinate those most at risk in our communities first. From Phase2a onwards, which is anticipated to begin in May, you will be able to get COVID-19 vaccinations in approved pharmacies. Click Here for more detail.

Most COVID-19 vaccines require two doses, your vaccination provider (e.g. pharmacist) will advise the timing of 2nd appointment. You will likely be encouraged to book in for the second appointment at your first, to help ensure you don’t’ forget. Whether you will need additional booster doses, such as an annual booster, for COVID-19 vaccines is still being determined by ongoing clinical trials

The first dose will help your immune system create a response to the virus and the second dose working to further boost the immune response to provide long-term protection.

Current advice is to receive your flu vaccination at least 14 days apart from any of your Covid Vaccinations.

Currently, the COVID-19 vaccine is not for use in children (under age 16) or pregnant women. As new evidence emerges, this recommendation may change.

We will make available an online booking function on our website and indicate pharmacies that are approved to provide COVID-19 Vaccinations.

Continue with increased hygiene practice and physical distancing and wear a mask where appropriate and stay up to date. If experiencing symptoms, stay home and get tested. listen carefully to all local government advice.

To learn more about COVID-19 vaccines, visit
You can book by clicking the button below;

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